Wednesday, December 25, 2019

International Culture and the Business - 720 Words

International Culture and the Business Culture Culture refers to the sum of integrated learned behavior traits shared by members of a society ADDIN EN.CITE Hofstede2001449(Hofstede, 2001)4494496Hofstede, G.Cultures Negation-Comparing values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organization Across Nation2001USASage Publication( HYPERLINK l _ENREF_2 o Hofstede, 2001 #449 Hofstede, 2001). In the 19th century Edwad Tylor gave the classical definition of culture as the complex whole including; arts knowledge, morals, custom, law, beliefs and any other habits and capabilities man acquires being a member of a society ADDIN EN.CITE Ghemawat2007448(Ghemawat, 2007)44844817Ghemawat, P. Managing differences; The central challenge of global strategyHarvard Business ReviewHarvard Business Review59-688532007( HYPERLINK l _ENREF_1 o Ghemawat, 2007 #448 Ghemawat, 2007). This definition gives us an overall understanding that culture is obtained and observed out of interactions in the society. The international perspective of culture intimates that attrib utes of a given society need to be observed in business operations. Business operation in the international arena highly depends on the cultures observed and, how well the business incorporates those cultures in its operations. Considerations of the cultures observed in the locality where operations are to be started and the companys culture is needful. Compatibility between these aspects acts as the prospect factor for success. TheShow MoreRelatedCulture And International Business Negotiations1188 Words   |  5 PagesCulture and International Business Negotiations Global trades account for more than 60% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (The Economist, 2014, para. 2), therefore, the important role of International Business Negotiations (IBN) in the global economy. 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So the foreigner who wants to operateRead MoreInternational Cultural Difference Of Business Culture1234 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction Culture is the social behaviour and integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behaviour that depends upon the capacity fro learning and transmitting knowledge to future generations It is the set of values, goals and practices that characterise an organisation A key to being successful in business internationally is to understand the role of culture in international business.cultural differences will have a direct impact on your profitability in any sectorsRead MoreBusiness Ethics Of International Business : Culture, Consumers And Employees1152 Words   |  5 PagesCourse: INB385 International Business Date: October 11, 2015 Response to Ethical Challenges in International Business: Culture, Consumers and Employees Introduction General business ethics applies in the case of international business. 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He contended how the culture of the leaders and staff can help one to determine the achievement or ineffectiveness of that business. Rue Byars described leadership as an ability to influence people and willingly follow one’s guidance or adhere to one’s decisions (Rue, Byars, 2009). The most successful CEO’s and leaders have a well-definedRead MoreWhy Culture Matters Within International Business1076 Words   |  5 PagesWhy culture matters in International Business The purpose of this memo is to explain why culture matters in International Business and to give you some background information on culture and how this can improve the business once it is expanded abroad. According to Cavusgil, knight, Riesenberger(2014), â€Å"Culture is the learned, shared and lasting orientation patterns in a society. People demonstrate their culture through values, ideas, attitudes, behaviors, and symbolsâ€Å"(p.82). The cultureRead MoreWhy culture is important in doing international business?1513 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction In the business world today, borders are blending and multi-national mergers are causing many company nationalities to become indistinct. As the globalization of markets rapidly increases, many companies are finding international expansion a necessity of competition. The world is greatly affected by this movement towards a global market, and many companies are finding it extremely important to adapt to other cultures. The most considerable obstructions to successful international marketing involveRead MoreAnalysis Of Dbm 700 International Business Culture2281 Words   |  10 PagesDBM 700 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CULTURE Question 1 : Assess critically the meaning of culture of society and its importance to international manager. What culture differences do you notice among your classmates ? How do those differences affect the class environment or your group projects ? 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Jamaica, A Large Melting Pot Of Many Cultures And Tourist...

Jamaica, a large melting pot of many cultures and tourist attractions, is one of most interesting places on earth. Jamaica currently has a population of 2.9 million, making it the third largest countries in the Caribbean region. Christianity is the largest religion present in Jamaica, the largest branches being the Anglican Church, the Baptists, and The Catholic; with the Rastafarian movement being derived from Christian culture. The original inhabitants of Jamaica were a South American group called Arawaks. Over 2,500 years ago, the Arawaks found settlement on the island and called it â€Å"Xaymaca† a phrase which means â€Å"the land of water and food.† The settlers lived off the land, growing fruits, vegetables, cotton, tobacco; they tended to settle near rivers in order to hunt for fish, an important part of a their diet. The Arawaks lived on the island for centuries in harmony until the Spaniards found and destroyed their settlement after Christopher Columbus reached the island in 1494. The Arawaks were tortured and killed by the Spaniards; this along with European diseases cleared the native Indians from existence on the island. In 1509, the first Spanish colony was settled and was called New Seville. The colony was very weak due to lack of support from the government of Spain and found themselves defenseless against attacks by other foreigners. In 1655, Great Britain, led by Robert Venables and William Penn executed a successful attack on Jamaica, in which the Spaniards

Monday, December 9, 2019

Poverty in the Philippines free essay sample

Divorce in the Philippines is planning to take over Filipino values and culture. It’s all over the news, the Philippine Congress is now pushing forward the Divorce Bill right after they have put forward the Reproductive Health Bill. This is exactly what I have been worrying about. Just a couple of weeks ago, when I attended our Baptist Convention Meeting here in the Visayas, this issue was brought up. And just as what I have stated, â€Å"RH Bill can also lead to the Divorce Bill† because they have the same proponents. I know lots of Evangelical Christians are pro-RH Bill. It is not what God wants. Since I started Biblical studies nothing in the Bible that will tell you that God favored and felt better for divorce. It was only allowed due to the hardheadedness of men. God did not made man and woman to be united and then separated if they got into some problems. Here is a list of the known supporters of RH Bill and Divorce. It is not what God wants. Since I started Biblical studies nothing in the Bible that will tell you that God favored and felt better for divorce. It was only allowed due to the hardheadedness of men. God did not made man and woman to be united and then separated if they got into some problems. If you fear the Lord and his commands, there is no way that you will agree on divorce. This is not what God wants. As simple as it is. Even if some pastor and theologians quantify it as a â€Å"necessary amputation† as far as I remember what my American Theology professor said, I would say that divorce is divorce, and God hates it. It was only men who wants it, not God. It is not the answer to the growing violence against women and children. Most divorce advocates gives emphasis on the growing children and women abuse. But I really do not see it as a solution for these problems. In fact it extends to the growing problem of immorality and sexually related diseases and problems such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually related diseases. And I believe that you will agree with me that these problems are a threat to women, children and even family. But why? Simply because people were given the so-called choice and chance to change while the fact is, it is where the so-called â€Å"rights† is abused. It is where many people make use of the right and abuse it for their own self-centered selfish quest for happiness and will only bring them to the same situation again and again and again. That’s why you will see people divorced not just once, nor twice, but multiple times. It gives a wider path to domestic problems. As I mentioned earlier this right has proven to be easily abused. And we are not actually giving people a solution to their problems, but a chance to repeat the same mistakes. Divorce is like a medicine†¦ but an unrecommended one. For example, there is a an abusive husband who have been divorced by his wife. This husband will then just look for another woman to abuse. While the woman if she’s the one having some problems, she will just look for another guy and if things will not get well, all she has to do is to apply again for divorce. Ridiculous isn’t it? It is just a picture. It gives a wider path for immorality and marital infidelity. Immorality. I guess this is not so much â€Å"in† nowadays. It’s something that most people don’t want to talk about except those that are of the religious sectors and religious people. I hate to say this but the Philippines have a steep moral degradation and that is why most of these divorce proponents put forward for various problems. Did we not learn from the US? Did the stats of violence against women and children dropped by the use of divorce law? We talk much about the positive things that we can get from the divorce law, while the negative effects far out weighs the positive. Here’s the summary of the advantages of divorce:

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Prince And Discourses Essays - Niccol Machiavelli, The Prince

Prince And Discourses Although many of the same ideas are contained in both The Prince and the Discourses, these two works differ significantly in emphasis because they discuss two different types of political systems. The Prince, is one of the first examinations of politics and science from a purely scientific and rational perspective. In The Prince, Machiavelli was concerned with a principality, a state in which one ruler or a small elite governs a mass of subjects who have no active political life. Machiavelli addresses a monarchical ruler, the Medici, and offered advice designed to keep that ruler in power. He recommended policies that would discourage mass political activism and channel the subjects energies into private pursuits. Machiavelli's aim was to persuade the monarch that he could best preserve his power by using violence carefully and economically, by respecting the persons, property, and traditions of his subjects, and by promoting material prosperity. The ruling Prince should be the sole authority determining every aspect of the state and put in effect policies which serves his best interests. These interests were gaining, maintaining, and expanding his political. However, Machiavelli did not feel that a Prince should mistreat his citizens. This suggestion is once again to serve the Prince's best interests. If a prince can not be both feared and loved, Machiavelli suggests, it would be better for him to be feared by the citizens within his own principality. He makes the generalization that men are, "...ungrateful, fickle, liars, and deceivers, they shun danger and are greedy for profit; while you treat them well they are yours". He characterizes men as being self centered and not willing to act in the best interest of the state,"[and when the prince] is in danger they turn against [him]". Machiavelli reinforces the prince's need to be feared by stating: "Men worry less about doing an injury to one who makes himself loved than to one who makes himself feared. The bond of love is one which men, wretched creatures they are, break when it is to their advantage to do so; but fear is strengthened by a dread of punishment which is always effective". In order to win honor, Machiavelli suggests that a prince must be readily willing to deceive the citizens. One way is to " his esteem for talent actively encouraging the able and honoring those who excel in their that they can go peaceably about their business". By encouraging citizens to excel at their professions he would also be encouraging them to "...increase the prosperity of the their state". These measures, though carried out in deception, would bring the prince honor and trust amongst the citizens, especially those who were in the best positions to oppose him. Machiavelli actively promoted a secular form of politics. He laid aside the medieval conception "of the state as a necessary creation for humankind's spiritual, material, and social well being". In such a state,"[a] ruler was justified in his exercise of political power only if it contributed to the common good of the people he served, [and] the ethical side of a prince's activity...ought to [be] based on Christian moral principles...." Machiavelli believed a secular form of government to be a more realistic type. His views were to the benefit of the prince, in helping him maintain power rather than to serve to the well being of the citizens. Machiavelli promoted his belief by stating: "The fact is that a man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among those who are not virtuous. Therefore, if a prince wants to maintain his rule he must learn not to be so virtuous, and to make use of this or not according to need". While The Prince is Machiavelli's best known work, it is The Discourses, which portray the most about him. The Prince was just a pamphlet dashed off to gain influence with the Medici, but in The Discourses he sought to include his entire system of politics. In the Discourses, Machiavelli was mainly concerned with a republic, a state collectively controlled by a politically active citizenry. Depending on their institutional arrangements, republics could be either aristocratic or democratic. Machiavelli advocated a democratic constitution modeled after ancient Rome. In the Discourses his concern was to preserve the liberty and independence of a self-governing citizenry. He emphasized the idea that a republic needed to foster a spirit of patriotism and civic virtue among its citizens if it were to survive. In addition Machiavelli rejected the traditional republican theory that social harmony and unity were essential to

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Writing a Residency Personal Statement

Writing a Residency Personal Statement As most medical students will attest, formulating a residency personal statement is an extremely difficult task. An essay that must articulate the students career intentions as well as his/her passion for the field, residency statements are not exactly a walk in the park. As someone who has written and proofed dozens of personal statements, I would like to offer the following tips on writing one for residency. As if getting into and graduating from medical school isnt difficult enough, young doctors also most complete several years as a resident in a hospital. Now, considering that young doctors arent paid squat while working as residents, you would think that hospitals would be begging them to apply. Not the case. Not only are top residency positions hard to come by, but graduate hopefuls must compete against the best in their field in order to even be considered. That is why the personal statement is so important. As a potential resident, the personal statement is your chance to stand out above the rest and literally plead your case. Residency personal statements are hard to write, but they arent impossible. For more information on writing a quality personal statement for your residency or if you would like to know where you can find an editor to assist you in the process, please access the link provided. In the meanwhile, good luck!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Descriptions and Prescriptions

Descriptions and Prescriptions Descriptions and Prescriptions Descriptions and Prescriptions By Mark Nichol Question: How many dictionaries does it take to screw up the word lightbulb? Answer: How many you got? I’m mildly irritated whenever I see lightbulb styled as two words in an article or a book. (I can’t help it. I’m a word nerd.) That happens all the time, because it’s rarely styled correctly and when I spell-checked this post, lightbulb was flagged as a misspelling. If that’s true, then why doesn’t the dictionary style it as two words? As it turns out, many of them do and correctly is a relative judgment. My favorite dictionary, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, widely favored by American book and magazine publishers, thus marking me as a man of taste and refinement is nearly anomalous in treating the word as a closed compound. And why is that? Dictionaries, like sensible writers and editors, try to straddle the descriptivist and prescriptivist worlds. (A descriptivist describes things as they are; a prescriptivist prescribes how things should be.) They’ll acknowledge, for example, that alright is a frequently appearing variant of â€Å"all right.† But they don’t advocate favoring it over the dominant form – or employing it, for that matter. They merely admit that it exists, for better or worse. And though rampaging hordes of feckless philistines spell â€Å"a lot† as one word, affirm an opinion by writing definately, or refer to someone else’s opinion as rediculous, you won’t find any of those aberrations in a dictionary. They have not acquired even quasi-validity not yet, anyway (shudder). But how is it that one dictionary can authoritatively display a closed compound as standard, when most others and most usage contradicts it? Compound nouns tend to follow a progression in which they begin as open compounds and progress to hyphenated form and are then closed. (Sometimes, the progression skips the middle step.) The precursor of the incandescent lightbulb was developed 200 years ago, and Merriam-Webster’s cites the first appearance in print of the closed compound in 1884. I prefer to think that this particular dictionary happens to be ahead of the curve in granting the closed compound pride of place as the correct form (without even a nod to the open alternative as a variant). But our mischievous mother tongue requires eternal vigilance. Lightbulb may be the correct form if you consider Merriam-Webster’s your lexicographical authority. But the hyphen stubbornly persists in light-year despite that word’s first attestation about the same time as lightbulb was switched on. (â€Å"Light year† implies an annum nearly devoid of gravity, perhaps, and was passed over from the beginning, while lightyear looks as if it should be pronounced â€Å"lighty ear† the same affliction that presents in copyediting, which inexplicably became favored over â€Å"copy editing.†) Meanwhile, â€Å"light box,† which has been around nearly as long it refers to a platform with an interior light source and a clear surface that allows objects placed on it to be illuminated from below still awaits the bestowal-of-the-hyphen ceremony or automatic promotion to closed compound (and perhaps waits in vain). And then there’s the confusion of referring to someone as light-headed yet lighthearted, and of distinguishing between lightening your load and a lightning strike. Such bewildering inconsistency creates a challenge for the careful writer, but it’s to be expected from such a loose language as English. The tip: Choose a dictionary (one preferred, perhaps, by whoever pays you for the honor of publishing your writing), and stray not and don’t sweat it when an otherwise enjoyable piece of someone else’s writing displays adherence to another dictionary’s dogma. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Meaning of "To a T"Hyper and HypoShow, Don't Tell

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Early Modern Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Early Modern Architecture - Essay Example While he was working under Behren, Mies developed a design approach that was basically based on advanced structural techniques and Prussian classicism. While still conducting his discovery on architecture he developed sympathy for the aesthetic credos of both Dutch De Stijl group and Russian Constructivism. He also borrowed from the post and lintel construction of Karl Friedrich Schinkel for his designs in steel and glass. In 1923 Mies worked with a new magazine called G which started that every year in the month of July. His architectural philosophies are greatly recognized and were a major contribution in the late 1920s and 1930s as artistic director of the Werkbund-sponsored Weissenhof project and as a director of the Bauhaus (Cohen, 2006). Mies is famously known for his dictum ‘Less is More’ and he attempted to create neutral, contemplative spaces through an architecture that was based on structural integrity and material honesty. After ages spanning twenty years of his life, Mies was able to eventually achieve his vision of a monumental ‘skin and bone’ architecture. Through his dedication, commitment, passion and hard work his later works provide a fitting denouement to a life dedicated to the idea of a universal, simplified architecture. After World War 1, he developed the interest in the skyscraper which eventually led to him studying it and he designed two innovative and ingenious steel framed towers encased in glass. One of the critically acclaimed skyscrapers was the Friedrichstrasse which was designed in 1921 for a competition albeit it was never built but it drew a lot of critical praise and it even foreshadowed his skyscraper designs of the late 40s and 50s. The very same year he desi gned the Friedrichstrasse so did his marriage end and he changed his name.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

California and The United States Research Paper

California and The United States - Research Paper Example This is because revealing of gold was an essential indication of the future economic growth of the state. Consequently, this led the U.S to acquire California for its future economic strength and expansion of its territorial boundary towards the west (Olson & Olson, 2011). The need for the United States to expand its territory was also a factor that led to the acquisition of California. The then President James K. Polk influenced the territorial expansion during his tenancy to ensure his region had a wide area of influence as well as security against other rival states at that particular time such as Mexico and Spain (Genovese, 2010). Polk achieved his desire of expanding the U.S territory through the invasion of Texas, ending the Mexican-American war and negotiation of the Oregon treaty with Britain (Genovese, 2010). Finally, the outcome of these activities was an acquisition of California among other states and US’ western advancement in terms of territory. Manifest Destiny focused on US’ territorial boundary growth, in particular, the western expansion in order to spread beliefs and culture of America. Manifest destiny drew support from democratic individuals who were for the spread of American ideologies while employing nonviolent measures for the peaceful coexistence of the people (Paris, 2012). Thereby, Manifest destiny became crucial in the acquisition of California during the process of western expansion. Discovery of gold in California also attracted a large number of emigrants thus prompting global emigration of wealth seekers from Germany, Turkey, Mexico, China, France, Ireland and Chile thus creating suspicion of the US gaining California (Gold, 2012). This created the necessity to establish measures of eradicating suspicion brought by foreign immigration (Gold, 2012). The number of Chinese immigrants was high than the other immigrants that come for the sake of acquiring wealth through the sale and purchase of gold.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Should Gay Marriages Be Legalized Essay Example for Free

Should Gay Marriages Be Legalized Essay With the world going through a state of change, the society across all countries have begun to change their mindset. We have witnessed the different kinds of changes through new inventions and ideologies; some for the better and others for the worse. Today, gay marriage also known as a union of the same biological sex, is one of the most controversial ideas presented. In this essay, the topic about legalizing gay marriages will be discussed such as how gay marriages are a negative repercussion to the society by defining ‘marriage’ in the eyes of the law and addressing concerns about the legalization of gay marriage. There will also be an argument of why gay marriages should be legalized by redefining marriage from an unbiased point of view and providing supporting evidences that gay marriage is of no difference from same-sex marriage. First of all, what is marriage? The law has defined marriage as the formal union of a man and a woman by which they become husband and wife. Many believe that legalizing gay marriage would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of marriage. According to the U. S.  Census Bureau, the divorce rate of first marriage is around 50 percent; second marriages are at 60 to 67 percent and third marriages are at 73 to 74 percent. (Gini, 2012) With divorce rates higher than they have ever been, critics argue that allowing homosexuals to marry would only contribute to an ever-crumbling institution. Thus, it is believed that legalizing gay marriage would increase the number of joke or non-serious marriages. Secondly, it is believed that legalizing gay marriage would affect every nations future as it leads to a lower birth rates and psychology disorders. The traditional family which consists of a man, a woman, and a child has always been the building block of every society. By legalizing gay marriage, research has shown that same-sex marriage would eliminate the incentive for procreation that is implicit in defining marriage as a male-female union as there is definite evidence of at least a correlation between same-sex marriage and low birth and fertility rates, both in the U. S. and abroad. (Sprigg, n. d. Apart from that, it is believed that gay marriage would also result in more children being raised in same-sex households which are not an optimum environment because both a Mother and a Father are essential figures for any child’s upbringing. Studies have shown that girls who are raised apart from their fathers are reportedly at higher risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy. † (Ellis, 2003) â€Å"Children without a mother are deprived of the emotional security and unique advice that mothers provide. (Stacey Bublarz, 2001) If children were exposed to an alternative lifestyle since birth, they are more likely to experiment and date people of the same gender. This could be a vicious cycle of the human beings that our world will not be able to afford. Thirdly, there is an infringement of gay rights on religious liberty since homosexuality is considered sinful by most religions. According to a statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and approved by Pope John Paul II, marriage was established by the Creator with its own nature, essential properties and purpose. No ideology can erase from the human spirit the certainty that marriage exists solely between a man and a woman. (Ratzinger, 2003) This has proven that legalizing gay marriage would be incompatible with the beliefs and traditions of many religions. Thus, by demanding the majority of the religious population to accept a relationship which is against their religion, it is not only deemed as offensive but also, morally and ethically corrupted. With all the cons mentioned above, I am sure one would be swayed to oppose to the idea of legalization of gay marriage. Having that said, I believe gay marriage can also be perceived from a different light such that one would think twice before opposing and even learn to accept the legalization of gay marriage. First of all, I would like to re-define marriage from an unbiased point of view: Marriage is a celebration of the unconditional, life-long commitment between two individuals. For better or for worse, they are always ready to share all of life, to love, to cherish and engage in the fullest of communication, the deepest of understanding, and the strongest of personal loyalty and trust. Since marriage only involves two individuals who are deeply in love, should it matter that the couple is of the same sex? Should it matter that the couple does not fit into what the society used to be? Should it matter since this form of marriage isnt hurting the society or anyone at all? If the answers to my questions have been a consistent no, then why should we stop the legalization of gay marriage? Since young, most people have been taught to cherish freedom, encourage differences and never discriminate against other races, then why cant we stop discriminating homosexuals too and accept them for whom they are by legalizing gay marriage? People have to understand that homosexuals are humans too and we are all given the same equal rights. As Hilary Clinton have stated, gays and lesbians are our colleagues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends, our loved ones and they are full and equal citizens and deserve the rights of citizenship — that includes marriage. (Clinton, 2013) No doubt that it is difficult for discriminations to be omitted in any society in the world but no government should be the one discriminating. As such, by legalizing gay marriage, it will be killing two birds with one stone since it allows both the government to set a good role model for its people and also, the homosexuals to have their very own freedom to love and to make their own decisions. Secondly, marriage does not only revolve around pro-creation. If marriage is only about reproduction, does it mean that infertile couples would not be allowed to marry too? Since the ability or desire to create offspring has never been a criterion for marriage, why should we allow pro-creation to obstruct the love of two individuals? George Washington, often referred to as the Father of Our Country, did not have children with his wife Martha Custis, and neither did four other married US presidents. (Talbot, 2010) Since marriages between a man and a woman do not necessarily end in offspring due to physical problems or personal choice, we should not hold on to the concept of procreation as essential to the marriage bond. Hence, pro-creation should never be a reason why we should not legalize gay marriage. Additionally, gay marriage will make it easier for people to adopt children. However, people worries over issues such as confusion amongst children about gender roles and expectations of society which would consequently lead to psychological disorders and increase in social problems if gay marriage had been legalized. They are worried about how schools are going to teach their children the difference between â€Å"same-sex marriage and opposite-sex marriage. In my opinion, there is no difference and instead, children should always be taught how to embrace all kinds of love since love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, as preached in the bible. Studies have also found that children of gay fathers were as well-adjusted as those adopted by heterosexual parents, (Gatrell Bos, 2010) and children of lesbian mothers were rated higher than children of heterosexual parents in social and academic competence and had fewer social problems. (Farr et al. , 2010) This has shown that, on the contrary, gay marriage would provide an environment that is just as good or even more conducive for children. As such, this unduly worries of legalization of gay marriage are truly redundant. Lastly, despite the fact that gay marriage is considered sinful by most religions, there has been an increase of religious organizations voicing their support for marriage equality. Parrella (2004a) mentioned Marriage offers us the ideal human setting for us to surrender our own self-importance and discover, through intimacy with another, the real heart and center of the universe in God—whether one uses the word God or not. This unconditional giving of ones self is at the core of a sacramental marriage in the Catholic tradition. . This has shown that it stays true even if a person is a homosexual as this sacramental understanding of marriage can also be applied to two individuals of the same gender. Moreover, a gay or lesbian orientation is not up to ones choice or decision but it is simply the way an individual is. Since all that matters to God is what is in the hearts and souls that God has given to us and that we seek to give to one another (Parrella, 2004b), it is only fair for us to give homosexuals their freedom to express themselves by legalizing gay marriages. In conclusion, although the legalization of gay marriages will lead to negative impacts on the society, it does not justify denying a person his equal rights just based on his/her sexual orientation. Moreover, recent statistics have shown that support for the legalization of gay marriages has risen dramatically in the past decade as younger generation with more accepting views are replacing older generation in the population. This can be seen by using data from 98 national surveys conducted between 2004 and 2011, â€Å"75% of the growth has come from people changing their minds. † (Lewis Hatalsky, 2013). Ultimately, marriage is the celebration of lifelong commitment between two individuals, regardless of gender. Hence, gay marriages should be legalized.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Microsurgery: Sewing Blood Vessels and Nerves Back Together :: Health Medicine

Microsurgery: Sewing Blood Vessels and Nerves Back Together A man came into the emergency ward at one o'clock. His thumb came in an hour later. The surgeon's job: get them back together. The successful re-attaching of fingers to hand requires long hours of painstaking work in microsurgery. In the operating room , the surgeon doesn't stand, but sits in a chair that supports her body. Her arm is cradled by a pillow. Scalpels are present as are other standard surgical tools, but the suture threads are almost invisible, the needle thinner than a human hair. And all the surgical activity revolves around the most important instument, the microscope. The surgeon will spend the next few hours looking through the microscope at broken blood vessels and nerves and sewing them back together again. The needles are so thin that they have to be held with needlenosed jeweller's forceps and will sew together nerves that are as wide as the thickness of a penny. To make such a stitch, the surgeon's hands will move no more than the width of the folded side of a piece of paper seen end on! Imagine trying to sew two pieces of spaghetti together and you'll have some idea of what microsurgery involves. Twenty-five years ago, this man's thumb would have been lost. But in the 1960s, surgeon's began using microscopes to sew what previously had been almost invisible blood vessels and nerves in limbs. Their sewing technique had been developed on large blood vessels over a half century earlier but could not be used in microsurgery until the needles and sutures became small enough. The surgical technique, still widely used today, had taken the frustrating unreliability out of sewing slippery, round-ended blood vessels by ingeniously turning them into triangles. To do this, a cut end of a blood vessel was stitched at three equidistant points and pulled slightly apart to give an anchored, triangular shape. This now lent itself to easier, more dependable stitching and paved the way for microsurgery where as many as twenty stitches will have to be made in a blood vessel three millimetres thick. The needle used for this can be just 70 millimetres wide, only ten times the width of a human blood cell. All this technology is focused on getting body parts back together again successfully. The more blood vessels reattached, the better the survival chances for a toe or a finger. The finer the nerve resection, the better the feeling in a damaged part of the face, or control in a previously useless arm. But the wounded and severed body part must be treated

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

KFC Culture Essay

culture: 1: believe in all people —–we trust in positive intentions and belivev everyone has the potential to make a difference. we actively seek diversity in others to expand our thinking and make the best decionsion. we coach and support every individual to frow to their full capability. 2. be restaurant and customer maniacs†¦.now!—- we love running great restaurants and our customers rule.we act with ensure every customers sees it and feels it in every restrants. We make sure we have great RGMs who build great teams. We are maniacal about rigorous execution of our core processes to deliver our brand standards as our #1 brand building initiative. It’s the foundation for making customer mania come alive. 3. go for breakthrough. —-we begin by asking ourselves, what can i do now to get breakthrough results in my piece of YUM?!our intentionality drives step change thinking. We imagine hoe big something can be and work future back., going full out with positive energy and personal accountability to make it happen. 4. build know how—–we grow by being avid learnes, pursuing knowledge and best practices inside and outside our company.we seek truth over harmony everystep of the way. We consistently drive outstanding execution by scaling our leanings into process and tools around what matters most. Breakthroughs come when we get people with knowdge thinking creatively. 5. take the hill teamwork—–we team together to drive action versus activity. we discuss the undiscussable.always promoting healthy debate and healthy decisions. our relationships allow us to ask the earth other. We make specific verbal contracts to get big things done with urgence and excellence. 6. recognize! recognize! recognize! —–we attract and retain the best people and inspire greatness by being world famous for recognition. we love celebratng the achievement of others and have lots of fun doing it!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mitchem Lethbridge Ltd

A Introduction Mitch Leathering Ltd. Is an individual franchise of the parent company Mitch Office Corporation, which holds a contest every third year to award the franchise with the greatest Improvement In net Income. This year the Leathering franchise has won the contest, however the Halifax franchise, who had a net income to reflect higher net income numbers.The Mitch head office has asked us to look at the financial records and interview the Leathering management to determine if an audit is required because of suspect manipulations to the statements. We also have been required to suggest some improvements to the contest rules to the Imitate head office. The Leathering franchise is currently solely owned by Lisa McGovern and had been going through a tough year in 2010. At the end of the period they made many adjustments that had negative effects on the net income in the 2010 year and positive effects towards the net income of the 2011 year.These issues and the effects they had on net income will determine if there is a need for an audit. They will also help provide insight to determine any improvements that can be applied to the rules f the contest to ensure the future winners are indeed complying with the rules. Improvements would also help curb franchises towards the purpose of the contest, which is to be continually improving net income each year. After determine Mitch Leathering Ltd.Financial statement, we comment on some issues them may address, and Issues Commissions Expense At the end of the 2010 reporting period Mitch Leathering Limited decided to pay expected commissions of January 2011 to employees in December to help offset the poor sales year they Just had in 2010. This practice is neither acceptable by GAP ironically nor is it ethical in regards to the competition. Lisa has disregarded the revenue and expense recognition criteria by recognizing the commissions' expenses in one period when the sales that those commissions belong to will not be re cognized until they occur during January 2011.The Leathering division also appears to have favorably bolstered their expectations for January to $150,000. This estimate is far too high despite the upcoming discount sale, especially considering that the December sales were $90,000. That is a $60,000 increase in expected sales when there is not even a seasonal change. If the Leathering division wanted to give the employees a bonus for having a poor sales year when they expect a better year in the next period that is acceptable, but that was not the case.Lisa and Mitch Leathering decided to recognize commission's expenses that belonged to sales that were yet to occur in 2011. This influenced net income by decreasing the expenses in 2011 while the sales remained the same and vice-versa for the previous year. This increased net income by $9120 since actual sales were only $114,000 in January and they decreased net income by the full $12,000 2010. By over exaggerating the losses in 2010 a nd the revenue in 2011 the Leathering division destroys the credibility of their financial records.The representational faithfulness of Lettering's records will also come into question now and in future contests the Mitch Corporation puts on. Show below: $77,250 Inventory Write-down The Leathering division again appears to have ignored GAP principals when they wrote down inventory at the end of the 2010 period. According to inventory write- down information, when a write-down occurs is a Judgment of management, but how you write inventory down is not.When write-downs occur inventory needs to written down to Net Realizable Value, which is what the inventory is worth in the market now as opposed to when it was purchased. However, Jeff wrote inventory down to liquidation value which is what the inventory could be sold for immediately. This value is much lower that what it should have been written down to had the inventory value decreased since its purchase. Jeff also mentions in his no tes that he was not sure that they were going to be able to sell the abnormally high level of inventory in the following months.This is a contradicting statement considering that Lisa had mentioned in her notes that she had planned the bulk sale in late 2010 and had even began advertising in December. She also estimated sales to be $1 50,000 in January which would have exceeded the inventory account before the write-down. This exaggerated write-down affected net income by decreasing the value of the inventory when the sales occurred in the following period. This would have reduced the cost of goods sold expense while sales and revenues remained unchanged by the write-down.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance portrays two journeys; it analyzes a physical motorcycle trip and it discusses the individual human interpretation of quality, as determined by the classical and romantic lines of thought. Pirsig describes physical and meta-physical aspects of life, and it portrays how they are interconnected. Pirsig attempts to display the effects of his thoughts on ordinary life. Pirsig’s describes quality as being based on the individual mind, whether it thinks in the classical or romantic way. The physical journeys between Minnesota and Montana allowed the development of the relationship between the narrator and his son. The narrator discovers the love he feels for his son, and he attempts to relate to him as the story progresses. The protagonist’s world metaphorically ends with Chris’ death, as their evolving closeness shatters. The physical journey is characterized by Pirsig’s involvement and commitment towards nature as well as his classical interpretation of motorcycle maintenance. The classic interpretation of technology, and thus motorcycle maintenance, is present throughout. Pirsig attempts to rediscover his former self, who he likes to relate to the secluded and metaphysical philosopher Phaedrus. This process leads to the development of the metaphysical explanations. Phaedrus’ philosophies are infected with contradictions that lead to insanity. Pirsig the writer has transformed his personality from Phaedrus the philosopher. He is no longer influenced by metaphysical perplexities that previously â€Å"hijacked† his mind. These include the complex schools of thought for which there are no right or wrong answers: the nature and definition of quality and the reconcilability of classical and romantic thought. Metaphysics go hand in hand with classicism, as they both concentrate on meaning, purpose, utility, and quality as determined by an object’s contents. Conversel... Free Essays on Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Free Essays on Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance portrays two journeys; it analyzes a physical motorcycle trip and it discusses the individual human interpretation of quality, as determined by the classical and romantic lines of thought. Pirsig describes physical and meta-physical aspects of life, and it portrays how they are interconnected. Pirsig attempts to display the effects of his thoughts on ordinary life. Pirsig’s describes quality as being based on the individual mind, whether it thinks in the classical or romantic way. The physical journeys between Minnesota and Montana allowed the development of the relationship between the narrator and his son. The narrator discovers the love he feels for his son, and he attempts to relate to him as the story progresses. The protagonist’s world metaphorically ends with Chris’ death, as their evolving closeness shatters. The physical journey is characterized by Pirsig’s involvement and commitment towards nature as well as his classical interpretation of motorcycle maintenance. The classic interpretation of technology, and thus motorcycle maintenance, is present throughout. Pirsig attempts to rediscover his former self, who he likes to relate to the secluded and metaphysical philosopher Phaedrus. This process leads to the development of the metaphysical explanations. Phaedrus’ philosophies are infected with contradictions that lead to insanity. Pirsig the writer has transformed his personality from Phaedrus the philosopher. He is no longer influenced by metaphysical perplexities that previously â€Å"hijacked† his mind. These include the complex schools of thought for which there are no right or wrong answers: the nature and definition of quality and the reconcilability of classical and romantic thought. Metaphysics go hand in hand with classicism, as they both concentrate on meaning, purpose, utility, and quality as determined by an object’s contents. Conversel...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Examples of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Sociology

Examples of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Sociology A self-fulfilling prophecy is a sociological term used to describe what happens when a false belief influences peoples behavior in such a way that it ultimately shapes reality. This concept has appeared in many cultures for centuries, but American sociologist Robert K. Merton coined the term and developed it for use in sociology. Today, the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy is commonly used by sociologists as an analytic lens through which to study student performance, deviant or criminal behavior, and the impact of racial stereotypes on targeted groups. Robert K. Mertons Self-Fulfilling Prophecy In 1948, Merton used the term self-fulfilling prophecy in an article. He framed his discussion of this concept with symbolic interaction theory, which states that, through interaction, people bring about a shared definition of the situation in which they find themselves. He argued  that self-fulfilling prophecies begin as false definitions of situations, but that behavior based on the ideas attached to this false understanding recreates the situation in such a way that the original false definition becomes true. Mertons description of the self-fulfilling prophecy is rooted in the Thomas theorem, formulated by sociologists W. I. Thomas and D. S. Thomas. This theorem states that if people define situations as real, they are then real in their consequences. Both Mertons definition of self-fulfilling prophecy and the Thomas theorem reflect the fact that beliefs act as social forces. They have, even when false, the power to shape our behavior in very real ways. Symbolic interaction theory explains this by highlighting that people act in situations largely based on how they read those situations, and what they believe the situations mean to them or to the others participating in them. What we believe to be true about a situation then shapes our behavior and how we interact with the others present. In The Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology, sociologist Michael Briggs provides an easy three-step way to understand how self-fulfilling prophecies become true. X believes that y is p.X, therefore, does p.Because of 2, y becomes p. Examples of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Sociology A number of sociologists have documented the effects of self-fulfilling prophecies in education. This occurs primarily as a result of teacher expectation. The two classic examples are of high and low expectations. When a teacher has high expectations for a student and communicates those expectations to the student through his behavior and words, the student then typically does better in school than they would otherwise. Conversely, when a teacher has low expectations for a student and communicates this to the student, the student will perform more poorly in school than she otherwise would. Taking Mertons view, one can see that, in either case, the teachers expectations for the students are creating a certain definition of the situation that rings true for both the student and the teacher. That definition of the situation then impacts the students behavior, making the teachers expectations real in the behavior of the student. In some cases, a self-fulfilling prophecy is positive, but, in many, the effect is negative. Sociologists have documented that race, gender, and class biases frequently influence the level of expectations that teachers have for students. Teachers  often expect black and Latino students to perform worse than white and Asian students. They may also expect girls to perform worse than boys in certain subjects like science and math, and low-income students to perform worse than middle- and upper-income students. In this way, race, class, and gender biases, which are rooted in stereotypes, can act as self-fulfilling prophecies and actually create poor performance among the groups targeted with low expectations. This ultimately results in these groups performing poorly in school. Similarly, sociologists have documented how labeling kids delinquents or criminals leads to delinquent and criminal behavior. This particular self-fulfilling prophecy has become so common across the U.S. that sociologists have given it a name: the school-to-prison pipeline. It is a phenomenon that is also rooted in racial stereotypes, primarily ones of black and Latino boys, but documentation suggests that it affects black girls as well. Examples of self-fulfilling prophecies show how powerful our beliefs are. Good or bad, these expectations can alter what societies look like. Updated by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Financial Modeling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial Modeling - Essay Example It has been argued that this economic turmoil has rendered portfolio management theories irrelevant. This paper explores this assertion. Recent Upheavals in World Financial Markets The global financial crisis of the 21st century has been described as the greatest economic and financial crisis the world has seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s (Ciro 2012). This economic turmoil, unlike the 1930s depression, caught many by surprise. Governments, investors, and the knowledgeable and sophisticated market participants were caught unawares by the speed and intensity of the economic decline. The international credit and financial markets were disrupted and dislocated by this financial crisis especially in 2008 and 2009. Governments in response to this economic crisis came up with policy and fallout responses from 2009 and 2011. These responses to some extent have rendered portfolio management theories irrelevant. Why Portfolio Management Theories Have Become Irrelevant Portfolio man agement theories are two; portfolio theory and capital market theory. ... Brentani (2004) on the other hand defines capital market theory as dealing with the effects of investor decisions on security prices. This theory shows the relationship that should exist between risk and security returns if investors constructed portfolios as specified by portfolio theory. Markowitz (1952) asserts that the process of selecting portfolios is divided into two stages; observation and experience, and beliefs about the future performance of available securities. The impact of the financial crisis disrupted the forecasts on future performance of available securities as asserted by the portfolio theory. According to Ciro (2012), the financial crisis forced most of the banks and lenders to shut their doors as investments in the stocks markets declined drastically. This aspect made the application of forecast facet of portfolio theory difficult. King (1966) basing his argument on the 1930’s financial meltdown and the random-walk theory, claims that this upheaval has se en stock prices move together. Portfolio theory assumes that investors will choose investments that have the lowest amount of risks whenever they are presented with the same level of expected returns. Fama and French (2002) argue that investors will seek to maximize their utility basing the decision to invest on investment’s risk and return. Apparently, the financial slowdown increased the risk levels and as such it was expected that investment rates may fall. This did not happen as expected. According to Amenc and Martellini (2011), this market turbulence has also impacted the wealth levels around the globe negatively and led to doubts about the value added by professional managers by the institutional investors. According to Statman (1987),

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Integrated academic report-the innovation and change of Apple.Inc Essay

Integrated academic report-the innovation and change of Apple.Inc - Essay Example Apple has faced lots of ups and downs their corporate history; however, they were able to overcome all the challenges with the help of carefully planned business strategies. During the latter part of 1990 and at the beginning of 2000, Apple has introduced many innovative products like iPhone, iMac, iPad, iPod, iTunes etc in the market. All these products helped Apple to regain its lost place in the market. Apple delivers more than what they promise which is the major reason for the popularity of Apple brand all over the world. Even though Apple succeeded in grabbing the spot from Microsoft as the most valued technology company in the world, they need to continue their innovation and change management process in order to sustain their top place in the market. Apple’s current business strategies are rotating around their charismatic leader Steve Jobs and once Steve decides to quit, Apple may face lot of leadership troubles. This report briefly analyses the innovation and change management process implemented in Apple which helped Apple to attain the top spot in the market. Introduction â€Å"Apple was founded in Cupertino, California on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne† (Apple Inc. History, 2008). The 35 years of Apple’s history is mixed with ups and downs. The company faced major challenges in the 1990’s when their major competitor Microsoft introduced their Window based operating system in the market. However, Apple was able to bounce back in the beginning of the twenty first century with the help of innovation and change management principles implemented in the organization. Apple Inc caught the attention of the public recently when they surpass Microsoft in market capitalization. Apple Company is currently operating internationally and has more than 200 retail stores in different countries. Apple’s need for innovation General imperatives in computer industry sector Computer industry is mainly dominated by some big players like Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Motorola, Linux etc. The operating system industry is monopolized by the Microsoft whereas the personal computer manufacturing is controlled by the IBM. The tie up between IBM and Microsoft helped both the companies immensely in controlling a substantial

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Have You Experienced Gender Discrimination at Work Essay

Have You Experienced Gender Discrimination at Work - Essay Example From the report it is clear that female labour participation has been increasing rapidly in many developed countries. However, the employment rate of women is not fairly matched as men and the typical cause of difference in employment rate among female and male workers is gender discrimination. Gender discrimination has been a barrier from the traditional work environments. The issue has almost been scraped out of the current workplace environment. However, different barriers are felt in the achievement of a gender equality workplace environment. There are many pieces of research that suggested that a number of female workers have been treated in a discriminated way in the work place. This paper hypothesised that gender discrimination is common among universal workplace and come along with unfairly treated situation based on gender. The situations range from job allocation, payment inequity, and other forms of discrimination. Firstly, the literature review will describe the existence of sex discrimination at work. The methodology of the research will be described next, and finally with results that are supported by research data. The increasing number of female rate of employment does not equal to enjoying the same career promotion opportunities as men. Female employees usually experience difficulties to approach a higher level status of work. It is harder to get promoted compared to male employees. Also, they receive a relatively lower wage.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Haiti Earthquake 2010: Effects and Cost

Haiti Earthquake 2010: Effects and Cost Haiti Earthquake Introduction Earthquakes happen in different parts of the world and they lead to negative consequences including death, destruction of buildings and huge losses in economy. Before studying one of the most important and hazardous natural disasters which took place seven years ago, we have to take into consideration the meaning of earthquakes. As a matter of fact, earthquake is a natural disaster according to which the layers of the earth move or tremble when the crust is ruptured or slipped. In addition, during such rupture across the fault line at which earthquakes happen, a kind of energy provided with elasticity is emitted from between rocks that could be pressured. While these amounts of energy could be stocked throughout years and emitted in less than a second, pressure existed between rocks as well as strain lead to the storage of more quantities of elastic energy causing the increase in the possibility of occurrence of earthquakes. On the other side, when this energy is released, a particul ar type of sound waves named seismic provided with low rates of frequency are spread and distributed across the surface of the earth or among its layers. Surprisingly, more than three million earthquakes happen every year. Nevertheless, people do not feel or notice them. On the contrary, earthquakes which surpass five degrees on the Richter scale are considered as one of the most terrifying and disastrous natural disasters that humans witness their occurrence on the surface of the earth and that could lead to destructive outcomes. (Earthquakes: introduction) Haiti earthquake One of the massive earthquakes that took place in the United States in 2010 was Haiti earthquake. It is worth mentioning that such earthquake occurred along Hispaniola which is a West Indian island. In spite of the fact that such island includes the two states of Dominican Republic and Haiti, the latter country was the most damaged one and the state that struggled more after the negative consequences of the earthquake. While the death toll which was released was not able to determine the numbers of casualties resulted from such chaos, the government of the country mentioned that more than three hundred thousand people were dead. Nevertheless, other resources stated that the real number was smaller than what was announced. In addition, a lot of Haitians were asked to evacuate the area and leave their homes. At 4:53 pm, there was a huge and strong hit by the earthquake. Such hit extended about more than twenty five kilometers along the coast of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. Bes ides, the magnitude of the first shock was about seven degrees. Then another two shocks happened whose degrees reached five point nine and five point five. Later, a lot of shocks took place such as the shock that happened on the twenty of January at a small town called Petit Goave which is fifty five kilometers away from Port-au-Prince. As a matter of fact, Haiti did not witness the occurrence of any earthquakes comparing to Haiti earthquake when talking about strength, enormity and degree. (Pallardy, 2016) On the other hand, such natural catastrophe contributed in the death of more than two thousand hundred persons as well as the injuries and homelessness of more than six hundred thousand persons who were struggling in order to survive and in order to search for the primary resources of living so that they could be able to maintain their lives. In addition, the earthquake managed to convert the situations in Haiti upside down on a local, political, economic and environmental scale. As a matter of fact, such earthquake has led to the breakdown of the government there whose ruling of the state was very weak and fragile. As a result of the inability and failure in managing and controlling situations during the occurrence of catastrophes and disasters, the government resorted to the dependence on aids and humanitarian relief from other countries in order to be able to provide people with the resources required for their survival. What the government managed to do is offering those survivor s tents and camps where they could live their transitional life till the occurrence of something new. (The Shockwave That Changed A Nation, 2010) Based on what was mentioned by the Humanitarian Action Plan for the Haitian state three years ago, more than one hundred and seventy two thousand persons were obliged by governmental orders to leave their houses in order to live in more than three hundred camps in 2013. Moreover, services offered to displaced persons such as health and WASH services have witnessed a quick decline comparing to the course of the displacement event of those survivors. On the other hand, there was a high risk, which more than sixteen thousand families who used to live in about fifty camps, had to face. Such risk is represented in the fact that these families could be forced to evacuate the area. In addition to the previous information and data, other eight thousand persons who used to live in camps were subjected to the risk of suffering from floods. According to what was indicated by OCHA in 2014, about one hundred and for thousand persons were remained in the state. Nevertheless, they were obliged to l ive in camps. Furthermore, there was no intention of any kind of relocation programs offered to more than seventy thousand IDPs. Finally, IOM has stated in 2014 that more than eighty thousand Haitians had the ability to survive and live their transitional life in more than one hundred camps in September. (Haiti: Earthquakes Jan 2010) Effect of Haiti earthquake According the statistics, the damage resulted from this Haitian earthquake was ranged between seven and half and eight and half billion American dollars. In addition, there was a decline in the gross domestic product of the state estimated by five point one percent. It is worth mentioning that such earthquake has led to the destruction of the basic airport in Haiti along with a large number of roads and finally the majority of ports. Moreover, the earthquake has resulted in the damage of more than one hundred thousand houses and homes based on what was mentioned by the studies and researches conducted by the Inter-American Development Bank. On the other side, the capital of Haiti named Port-au-Prince was unfortunately hit by the Haitian earthquake. As a result, the government remained paralyzed and did not succeed in eliminating chaos and returning order to the state along with the inability to take in charge of the situation. Besides, almost one of each four servants who used to liv e in Port-au-Prince was found dead. In addition to the previously mentioned information, the earthquake contributed in the damage of more than half of schools and almost sixty percent of the main constructions and establishments in the state. No one can deny the fact that one of the least countries regarding wealth, fortune and economic prosperity in the entire western hemisphere was Haiti. In fact, the majority of public there is considered ultra-poor according to the international statistics and measurements. Furthermore, more than half of them used to live in despicable circumstances of living. On the other hand, a huge percentage of Haitians there work as farmers in order to become the breadwinners of their families. Finally, the earthquake managed to cause a lot of damage since the resistance of the Haitian state against natural catastrophes is weak due to deforestation.   (Amadeo, 2016) Humanitarian relief after the occurrence of Haiti earthquake One of the main international organizations, which had the ability to offer humanitarian aid and relief to the state of Haiti after the occurrence of such destructive earthquake along with attracting the attention of the whole world to the importance of providing people there with assistance so that they could be able to survive, was the United Nations. Thanks to the donations received from certain countries around the globe as well as collaboration between various elements including people, organizations and governmental authorities, the United Nations succeeded in achieving development and improvement in the process of getting Haiti back to life especially after this devastating earthquake happened. Furthermore, the United Nations managed to cooperate with other communities that had the chance to offer donations in order to offer Haitian populations aid and relief on the long term. In addition, the foundation of United Nations contributed in the collection of donations estimated by four million American dollars to help those people to survive and live in normal conditions. As a matter of fact, such donations provided the United Nations with the ability to do the following: First: giving more than one hundred thousand American dollars to projects of solar light. Second: offering the needed resources for life such as fresh water, healthy food and health care as well as shelters due to the donation delivered to the UN which reached three million dollars in order to be able to control and manage risks and hazards in the future. Third: taking part in the process of recycling about twenty percent of the debris resulted from the earthquake. Fourth: offering Haitian people about three hundred thousand job opportunities. Fifth: offering more than two thousand Haitian workers training in the field of development and life recovery. Sixth: supplying the United Nations Population Fund with more than seven hundred thousand American dollars to get resources regarding maternal health along with offering street lights which depend on solar energy in order to provide Haitians especially women and young girl protection, safety and security. Seventh: giving more than two hundred thousand American dollars to the development program related to the UN since such program is considered as a trial in order to help people there get jobs and work so that they could be able to remove debris resulted from the earthquake. (HAITI EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE, 2013) Conclusion In a nutshell, natural disasters are considered as one of the most destructive events that could be faced by any country around the world. In addition, one of these catastrophes that could lead to the total destruction and demolishment of states is earthquakes. Earthquakes happen due to the slippage between layers of the earth. As a result, a lot of damages occur leading to the huge percentage of casualties, demolishment of houses and constructions along with the displacement of many people out of their homes. Thats why countries have to be well prepared for these events in order to prevent their negative consequences as well as protecting people there from any danger or hazard that might threaten their lives. References The Shockwave That Changed A Nation. (2010). Retrieved March 21, 2017, from Haiti earthquake 2010: HAITI EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE. (2013). Retrieved March 21, 2017, from United Nations Foundation: Amadeo, K. (2016). Haiti Earthquake: Facts, Damage, Effects on Economy. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from The balance: Earthquakes: introduction. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2017, from SMS Tsunami Warning: Haiti: Earthquakes Jan 2010. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2017, from relief web: Pallardy, R. (2016). Haiti earthquake of 2010. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from Encyclopaedia Britannica:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Influenza, Avian Influenza, and the Impacts of Past and Looming Pandemi

Influenza, Avian Influenza, and the Impacts of Past and Looming Pandemics Avian influenza is a disease that has been wreaking havoc on human populations since the 16th century. With the recent outbreak in 1997 of a new H5N1 avian flu subtype, the world has begun preparing for a pandemic by looking upon its past affects. In the 20th Century, the world witnessed three pandemics in the years of 1918, 1957, and 1968. In 1918 no vaccine, antibiotic, or clear recognition of the disease was known. Killing over 40 million in less than a year, the H1N1 strain ingrained a deep and lasting fear of the virus throughout the world. Though 1957 and 1968 brought on milder pandemics, they still killed an estimated 3 million people and presented a new problem of vaccine manufacturing and production. The new avian flu in Asia now claiming 54 lives has the world rushing to find a vaccine and prevent another, even more deadly pandemic Influenza is a pathogenic virus that has been the cause deadly pandemics throughout recorded history. Influenza is caused by an A or B virus, the more deadly of the two is influenza A which derives from the avian species and initiates pandemics in the human population (Levison, 2004). The genomes in influenza viruses are divided into eight parts of RNA. Influenza A viruses are named by the two sets of proteins that protrude from the surface of the cell. The first protein is haemaglottin, or HA, which determines binding and cell entry. There are fifteen HA subtypes with H1, H2, and H3 most common in human infection (WHO, 2005). The second of the two proteins is neuraminidase (NA) that presides over the release of virus DNA from infected cells into host cells. There are nine subtypes of the NA protein (WHO, 2005). The ... ...ration of international health organization on vaccine development, education of medical professionals on safety and protection, and increase of public awareness on basic prevention. Though H5N1 Impacts of Past and Looming Pandemics 7 has only claimed 54 lives, science must compete with nature to assure the lives of millions more. Impacts of Past and Looming Pandemics 8 Bibliography CDC. (2005, May). General Information On Avian Flu. Center of Disease Control and Prevention. July 7, 2005, Levison, M. (2004). Infections of Leisure. Washington D.C.: ASN Press Ruben, F. (2005). Influenza: Getting Our Attention. Clinical Infectious Diseases, (40), p. 1697. World health Organization. (2005, June). Avian Influenza: Assessing the Pandemic Threat. WHO. July 5, 2005,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Disney Asia

Beyond Tokyo: Disney’s Expansion in Asia Beyond Tokyo: Disney’s Expansion in Asia 1) The cultural challenges are posed by Disney’s expansion into Asia are limited attractions based on size and local regulations, hot weather, and high ticket prices. Cultural barriers happened such as the decision to serve shark fin soup, a local favourite, greatly angered environmentalist. For example, the decision to serve shark fin soup, a local favourite, greatly angered environmentalists.It is different in Europe as they have more choices for food because there are more countries in European group. Disney guests in Europe faced problems getting too closed or pressing around those who left too much space between themselves and the person in front. But it’s quite normal in Asian countries due to their population Hong Kong Disneyland only has 16 attractions and one classic Disney thrill ride, Space Mountain, compared to 52 at Disneyland Resort Paris.Weather in Europe tends to be cooler and their currency is higher than Hong Kong currency so people probably find the ticket cheaper. 2) Cultural variables influence the location choice of theme parks around the world because they are important factors to determine whether the parks will become successful or not. To locate a theme park they have to think whether people in the country will like this kind of theme park and will go for them or is it suitable for this county to locate this theme park.People who built the theme park needs to account the factor that whether it is easy for people in that country to adapt new things. 3) I would recommend nowhere in Asia because there might be a lot of theme park already in Asia, thus it will be really competitive. Furthermore, the ticket price might be expensive for Asian citizens to go and visit. Especially the weather is very hot and humid in most of Asia countries; they probably will not find it comfortable to be out the whole day.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nature of Work

Marine Biology also refers to Biological Sciences or Biological Oceanography. Marine Science is the general term for research conducted in oceans and coastal or inland waters connected to the sea. This particular field is probably the best known to the public. Marine Biology deals with the study of micro and living organisms such as plants, animals, viruses, and bacteria in oceans, estuaries, and other bodies of salt water. In the feild of Marine Biology you plan, participate in, and administer research programs for government experiment stations such as private research centers, manufactoring irms, and medical service industries. Tools and equipment for this career includes lab animals, X-Ray and other lab equipment, computers, spectrophotometers, collections of specimens, and a Starting no later than high school, a Marine Biologist should obtain a solid education in as many basic sciences as possible including chemistry, physics, and biology. Mathematics is essential. Plane geometry, trigonometry, solid geometry, and two years of algebra are recommended. Good English is no less important, for both written and oral reports are a big part of Marine Biology. The tudy of a foreign language, especially French, German, or Russian should begin early. Degrees in this study are offered only to college graduate students. Most entry level jobs minimally require a Bachelors degree in a natural science from an accredited college or university. Doctoral degree holders face competition for independent research positions. Those with a Bachelors degree or Masters degree in biological sciences can expect better opportunities for nonresearch In order to be a Marine Biologist or in any line of work, you have to be really dedicated to your job. This is the job I have always wanted ever since I was a little girl. I always loved the water especially the ocean. I think there is so much to discover about it and there are so many marine animals yet to be revealed. If I ever do become a Marine Biologist I either want to work in the laboratory or work in the field. I think it would be interesting to travel to different parts of oceans and discover what kind of plants and animals hide beneath the deep blue waters. Laboratory technicians and testers can acquire more education experience. They can work their way up through research ositions and may reach administrative posts in government or industry. As a rule, high paying postions of prestige go to those with a Ph. D degree and a history of successful research. C. Earnings and Working Conditions Marine Biologists may work in a laboratory, classroom, museum and industrial setting, a botanical garden or zoo, or in a field. They may either work alone or with engineers, technicians, and other scientists at various stages of research or product development. Working conditions vary with the kind of work they do. Indoor work areas may be quiet, well lighted, and air-conditioned. Those who work n laboratories or industrial settings must keep work areas very clean. Ventilation systems generally provide protection from dust, fumes, and odors. Special precautions are taken to protect those scientists who work with infectuous creatures or poisonous chemicals. While working in the field some Marine Biologists travel to coral reefs in tropical seas and ocean waters in cooler climates having to work a The earnings of a Marine Biologist are complicated. Most of these researchers recieve a salary directly from an employer. They write proposals in order to have their research ideas funded by private and overnment agencies. The quality of their results often determines whether they recieve money for future efforts, and consequently, whether they work and for how long. The salaries of a Marine Biologist comes down to each persons education, experience, and At the present time the profession of Marine Biology is one of the least crowded of the science fields. There are only a few thousand Marine Biologists in research, with less than three thousand graduates working and teaching in the United States. Since there is a limited number, opportunities in research are few and competition is stiff.